**UPDATE AS OF March 2022**

**Masks are now optional in our reception area per CDC public indoor guidance.**

Here are some changes you may see when it’s time for your next appointment:

  • We will communicate with you beforehand via email to ask some screening questions. You will be asked the same questions again when you are in the office.
  • We have hand sanitizer available for use when you enter the office.
  • At the beginning of your appointment, we will ask you to pre-rinse with a bacterial and virucidal hydrogen peroxide rinse.
  • You will notice our dental team wearing much more PPE than you are used to seeing. We assure you it’s our same smiling faces under it all!

We are a “well-clinic,” meaning that we are only seeing patients in our office who are symptom-free with no fever, cough, sore throat or known exposure to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. This also means that all of our staff is symptom-free to provide our patients with the best and safest care possible. 

 Thank you for your understanding during this time.  We appreciate all of our patients and your health and safety is of the utmost importance to us.  We will see you soon!